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Monday, June 3, 2024
Foreign Activities

"Resolution 2099 explicitly recognizes and for the 1st time that the solution to the Sahara conflict will contribute to stability and security in the Sahel and cooperation of the Maghreb Union"

Corcas Vice Chairman Khadad Moussaoui said that the continuation of the Sahara conflict for four decades, is the result "of Algeria’s hostile position" regarding the issue of the Kingdom’s territorial integrity saying that Morocco recovered the Spanish Sahara region in accordance with the principles and objectives of the Charter of the United Nations, as part of a gradual process of decolonization between 1956 and 1976.

This is due to the fact that the Moroccan territory witnesed a triple colonization (Spanish in north and south, French in center and Tangier under international administration).

On this basis, Khadad Moussaoui drew in his speech before the Committee of 24, end of May in Ecuador, the link between the Algerian position "contrary to the inalienable right of Morocco to preserve its territorial integrity" and the relevance of the last call by the Special Envoy of the UN Secretary General in favor of improving relations between Morocco and Algeria to resolve the artificial conflict which aggravates the worrying situation in the troubled region of the Sahel.

Corcas Vice chairman mentioned the strong support brought by Morocco before independence to the people's struggle for freedom, particularly in Africa, as it supported the preparation of the United Nations Declaration to grant independence to colonial countries and peoples. The statement fixed the essence and limits of the principle of self-determination, emphasizing the preservation of the territorial integrity of the country, in accordance with Articles 6 and 7, which emphasize the responsibility of the countries in accordance with this principle.

Mr. Moussaoui said in this regard that the principle of self-determination "has never been an instrument to attack the national unity and territorial integrity of the country or an excuse to deprive countries of their territories as the language, religion, customs, culture confirm the belonging of the land to a nation, as the case of the Moroccan Sahara. "

CORCAS official adds that these criteria "were applied in all countries of North Africa, including Algeria, to maintain the Saharawi part within its national territory."

To reaffirm this view the Kingdom presented the autonomy proposal in April 2007, which was described in all Resolutions of the Security Council as "serious and credible" because it gives Sahrawis a democratic framework to manage their affairs. In this context, Vice chairman said: " Autonomy plan will be subject of negotiations, then it will be presented to the Sahrawi people concerned for consultation through a free referendum."

Mr. Moussaoui added that the recent resolution of the Security Council reiterated its congratulations to the Moroccan proposal. It renewed the invitation to the concerned neighboring countries "to be engaged to advance the final political solution on the basis of realism and compromise."

Vice Chairman drew the attention of the Committee of 24 to the fact that the latest UN resolution "explicitly recognizes for the first time that the solution to this regional conflict, contributes to the stability and security of the region Sahel, in addition to cooperation between members of the Arab Maghreb Union. "

The speech by CORCAS Vice chairman Khadad Mr Moussaoui followed the statement by Algeria’s representative during this regional seminar which includes several allegations and falsehoods the most obvious of which is the biased reading made by Algeria of Resolution 1514 of the General Assembly dated December 14, 1960.

Algeria’s representative described the Sahara conflict as a problem of decolonization disregarding its genesis in a Cold War context. He fails to mention that the decolonization of the Sahara region opposed, since the 60s, Morocco to Spain when it was a Spanish colony. The representative of Algeria does not specify the conditions under which the Kingdom of Morocco recovered its Saharan territories and UN provisions that accompanied the standardization of the sovereignty of the area.

Algeria, which suffers no colonization or decolonization problem of its territories, wants to be the spokesman of separatism in the Sahara region and the referendum on self-determination of the Sahrawi people without any mention of past Council Security resolutions which cancel any mention of that referendum as Morocco and Algeria have never agreed on the list of voters, despite intervention by prominent UN specialists in demography, statistics ... Given the impossibility of fulfillment of the referendum, the United Nations has been asking Algeria since 2007 to show political realism to resolve the conflict that has lasted too long. 

As expected, Algeria representative denies the content of the advisory opinion by the International Criminal Court which states that the Sahara has never been a terra nullius and Sahrawi tribes have always pledged allegiance to the king of Morocco.

The representative of Algeria once again confirms the role and the willingness of his country to support separatism in the Sahara region, before all international organizations, at the expense of Morocco’s territorial integrity.

News and events on Western Sahara issue/ Corcas


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