| The 4th Commission of the UN General Assembly adopted on Monday, without a vote, a resolution supporting the UN political process for the settlement of the Sahara issue, and called on states in the region to fully cooperate with the Secretary-General and his personal Envoy as well as with each other, to achieve a political solution to this regional dispute. More... |
| The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) rejected, on Friday at the UN headquarters in New York, any attempt to undermine the supreme interests of Morocco and its sovereignty. More... |
| The international community has strongly welcomed, before the 4th Committee of the UN General Assembly the relevance, virtues and promises of the autonomy initiative presented by Morocco for the final settlement of the artificial conflict over the Sahara, in terms of regional cooperation and security in a vast region ambushed by multiple threats. More... |
| The withdrawal of recognition of so-called SADR shows the way forward to free people from the grip of Polisario and extreme influences
The illegitimacy of the Polisario is a "fundamental" problem in resolving the conflict of the Moroccan Sahara, and hinders the establishment of a "constructive exchange process," said international lawyer, Nykaky Lygeros. More... |
| A presentation ceremony of two new books on the Sahara issue took place Wednesday, October 5, 2016, in New York on the sidelines of the session of the UN Fourth Committee. More... |