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Friday, March 28, 2025

Summary of the Royal Decree creating the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs 

The royal decree creating the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs stipulates that the latter is asked to assist HM the King in the issues relating to the defence of the Kingdom’s territorial integrity and national unity, the promotion of social and economic development of the southern provinces and the preservation of their cultural identity.

Therefore, the Council shall render advisory opinions on general or special issues relating to the defence of Morocco’s territorial integrity and national unity in addition to human, economic and social development of the southern provinces and carry out any mission entrusted to it by HM the King in these fields.

It shall also issue proposals related to any measure that allows the coming back and integration within the clement and merciful homeland of all Moroccans coming from the southern provinces along with initiatives to be carried out in the southern provinces and other regions of the Kingdom to defend the country’s territorial integrity and national unity and consolidate national solidarity.

The Council may propose any project likely to ensure the human, economic and social development of the southern provinces in coordination with any national or local institution, whether public or private, and suggest actions aiming at promoting the cultural, linguistic and artistic (hassani) heritage of the southern provinces.      It may also submit to HM the King any action which is likely to promote principles and rules relating to Human Rights in the southern provinces and every participation, in coordination with the authorities concerned, in the meetings of international institutions and bodies which may take cognizance of the Kingdom’s territorial integrity and the development of the southern provinces.

 The Council shall submit to HM the King an annual report about its results and prospects and propose specific actions in order to secure a future full of hope and prosperity for the youth and improve women’s conditions and their integration in all fields.

 As for the council’s composition, the royal decree stipulates that the president and members, who enjoy a deliberative authority, are appointed by HM the King for a four-year mandate.

 They are chosen among members of Parliament, presidents of regional councils, presidents of provincial assemblies, and presidents of professional chambers of the southern provinces during the fulfilment of their mandate.

 The council will also include members who were elected for the former council by their tribes, shioukh of tribes, members of associations belonging to the civil society and youth organizations in the southern provinces, representatives of Moroccan natives of the southern provinces living abroad, representatives of the Tindouf sequestered populations, representatives of socio-economic operators and bodies and personalities known for their lucidity and honesty.

Governmental authorities in charge of the interior and foreign affairs and cooperation or their representatives, Walis and governors of Southern provinces, the manager of Promotion and Development Agency of the southern provinces, managers of the Regional Investment Centres in the southern provinces shall also be advisory members.

While carrying out its duties, the Council may involve any governmental authority and public or private institution and any qualified personality who can help it fulfil its mission.

It shall convene at least twice a year and at the president’s demand in accordance with the instructions of HM the King. After consulting with the office, the president may ask some members to create workgroups, specialized committees, ad hoc committees in charge of studying specific issues and submitting to the council recommendations which it considers useful for theses issues.

 The president, who chairs the council’s meetings, shall set the agenda after approval from HM the King, submit the council’s conclusions, recommendations and proposals to the Sovereign and establish the council’s annual budget of which he is the director. He shall be assisted by an office made up of nine vice presidents.

The office members shall be elected at the beginning of each year among the council’s members who enjoy a deliberative authority by a single secret member election and relative majority.

The president shall be the spokesman and official speaker of the council unto public authorities and international institutions. When he thinks it necessary to delegate some of his attributions to other members of the council, he shall seek the King’s approval.

A Secretary-General, whether he belongs to the council or not, shall be appointed by HM the king to the Council’s general secretariat.

He may be asked to prepare the council’s budget, sub-directorate it and be in charge of keeping the council’s reports, files and archives.
The missions of the CORCAS members shall be voluntary. However, mission indemnities shall be given to members in return for the tasks that the council asked them to carry out.

The creation of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs underlines allegiance links which unify the inhabitants of the southern provinces behind the glorious Alaouite throne and their everlasting and indestructible attachment to the Marocanity of the Sahara.

This initiative confirms the King’s commitment for democracy which aims at anchoring the participation of the populations in the development and management of their local and regional affairs as well as the King’s will to involve the lively powers of the southern provinces in the Council in order to grant it a balanced and credible representativeness.

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