|  The Spanish under secretary of state Mr Gonzalo De Benito said that his country ‘s appeal to the aid workers to quit tindouf camps will be maintained, until the security conditions are improved in these camps More... |
|  The Robert F. Kennedy center totally avoids the human rights violations in Tindouf camps, and accuses on the basis of bad intentions Morocco to use all kinds of violations.
When Morocco allowed the Robert F. Kennedy center for justice and human rights (RFK center) to visit the southern provinces, in an overall trip leading to Tindouf to assess the state of human rights, was aware that this visit was basically biased without any components of impartiality, objectivity and precision, nevertheless Morocco has accepted with courage to open its doors to this center as it usually does with the international organizations which show their intentions to search for a settlement to the Sahara fabricated conflict. More... |
|  The UN SG Ban KI-Moon made it clear on Saturday to the king of Morocco Mohammed VI that the UN will maintain the same terms of mediation in the Sahara, according to a statement made by The UN, in order to progress the negotiation process, and to work hard to improve the Moroccan Algerian relations, win conformity with the UN resolutions More... |
|  With the despair of people in Tindouf camps, Mr. Jensen believes he would not be surprised if extremism can find fertile ground
The withdrawal by Morocco of confidence in the personal envoy of UN Secretary General for the Sahara, Christopher Ross, is not new since there were the precedent cases of Yacoub Khan and Van Walsum, both challenged by Algeria and Polisario, said Erik Jensen, former UN Representative for Western Sahara. More... |
|  HM King Mohammed VI delivered, on Monday, a speech to the Nation on the occasion of the Throne Day which coincides with the 13th anniversary of the sovereign's accession to the throne of his glorious ancestors. More... |
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