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Saturday, September 7, 2024
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Corcas calls on Polisario to adopt autonomy and abandon dogmatism

The chairman of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs, Khalihenna Ould Errachid, called on the Polisario Front to join "as soon as possible" the Council created by King Mohammed VI and in the proposal granting self-government for Western Sahara, so as to make "peace, development and decent living definitely "in the region, despite Polisario’s dogmatism inherited from the past“.

Mr. Khalihenna evaluating the visit carried out by the CORCAS delegation to the the Andalusia region

Our visit to the Andalusia region was successful and it was characterized by various meetings relating to the Andalusia Parliament and the parliamentary groups as well as the political parties and the government, the Head of the Andalusia government, university professors specialized in law, press and TV.

Declaration of the CORCAS President to the MAP and to Laayoune Regional TV Channel

“It was really a historical visit as we had meetings with all the political, economic and media constituents of the Canary Islands. Concerning my evaluation to this visit, I can say that it clarified the relations between the Canary Islands and our national affair, the Sahara affair and we were fully supported by all the authorities we met: the Government representative in Tinerefy and his deputy in Las Palmas,

Corcas chairman interview with the Canary Islands TV Satellite Channel

Khalihenna: the search for impossible solution in the Sahara prolongs the suffering of the majority of Sahrawis

The recent establishment of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs is a step designed mainly to handle economic affairs and preserve Sahrawi cultural identity.

Ould Errachid to Canarias 7 “Polisario weakness threatens All Africa”

Khalihenna: Polisario's weakness threat to Africa

The President of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs, Mr. Khalihenna Ould Errachid complained that the weakness of "Polisario" constitutes a threat to the security and stability of Africa as a whole, in an interview published on Sunday, June 11, 2006 by (Canarias7).

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