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Sunday, September 8, 2024
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CORCAS Secretary General interview to «TELQUEL» weekly

The Secretary General of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs, Mr. Maouelainin Maouelainin Ben Khalihenna gave an interview to “Telquel” weekly on April 15th, 2006.

full text of the interview:

Interview by CORCAS chairman to the weekly "le Journal Hebdomadaire"
Appointed not elected, consultative but without no decision-making power, therefore without popular support, Corcas raises considerable controversy. Should we give it a favourable judgement despite its institutional limits? The answer may not be made today because, according to its chairman, the Corcas does not yet know much about its mission. That will depend on the king and his decision only.

Corcas chairman interviewed by « Le Point magazine » weekly

HM the King is leading a revolution in Morocco

With the autonomy plan of the southern provinces, HM the king Mohammed VI " has started the 2nd green march which is definitely going to turn over a new leaf of past problems ", asserted the chairman of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs (CORCAS), Mr Khalihenna Ould Errachid, in a interview published on April 15, 2006 by « Le Point magazine » weekly entitled “HM the King is revolutionizing Morocco”.

Khalihenna Ould Errachid guest of the first Moroccan TV Channel during the Spanish TV News

Khalihenna: The Council is not autonomy

Mr. Khalihenna Ould Errachid was guest at the Moroccan television channel during the Spanish news on April 12, 2006, The President of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs said that the Council was "a preparatory step for the proposal of autonomy that took into account the Sahara heritage"

International Liberal Vice-Chairman Hails as 'Good Proposal' Moroccan Autonomy Project for Sahara
The vice-chairman of the International Liberal (IL), Holland's Hans Van Baalen, has hailed as a "good proposal" Morocco's project to grant large autonomy to its Southern Provinces, the Sahara.
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